Blackburn Dental

(613) 824-3478


At Blackburn Dental Center, we offer full service dentistry.

  • Along with cleanings, fillings and crowns, we offer specialty procedures such as wisdom teeth extractions, laser gum therapy, alloderm gum graft, sinus lift, bone graft and implants.
  • If you need impants, Dr Malette is an experienced dentist , who place and restore implants. There is also no need to go elsewhere for root canal therapy , as we have Dr Morin in-house to do these as well.
  • Full service dentistry eliminates your need to travel to multiple offices to receive all of your dental care. It also means fewer dental appointments because your doctors can combine procedures.
  • In essence, full service dentistry saves you time and money while offering you the highest standard of care.

Our Services

Oral Hygiene

Our professional cleanings performed by our registered hygienist form the foundation for preventing gum disease.


Periodontal (gum) disease, including gingivitis and periodontitis, are serious inflammatory disorders.


Root canal therapy refers to the process where your dentist treats that space inside a tooth.


Implants are the next best thing to healthy, natural teeth

General Dentistry

Dental Care Regular checkups help maintain healthy teeth and gums for the whole family.


Prosthodontic dentistry is the specialized field of dentistry that focuses on repairing or replacing missing teeth.

Oral Hygiene

Our professional cleanings performed by our registered hygienist form the foundation for preventing gum disease.


Periodontal (gum) disease, including gingivitis and periodontitis, are serious inflammatory disorders.


Root canal therapy refers to the process where your dentist treats that space inside a tooth.


Implants are the next best thing to healthy, natural teeth

General Dentistry

Dental Care Regular checkups help maintain healthy teeth and gums for the whole family.


Prosthodontic dentistry is the specialized field of dentistry that focuses on repairing or replacing missing teeth.